- Your task:
Connect a slider with an API. The API (JSON; XML, CSV) gives all info for images, text and links for a slider on a WordPress-Page. - Solution:
Install the PRO-Version of the JCI-Plugin and the plugin “Smartslider3 PRO“.
With the JCI-Plugin you can create a RSS-Feed out of the API-data. The GET-Parameter “?show=oc” removes the WordPress-Template and creates pure RSS : This RSS-URL can be used to feed the RSS-Generator of the Smartslider. - In Detail:
Create a JCI-Template with the following template-code for static RSS. By adding twig and an URL you can add API-data.
RSS-XML-Code for the Slider:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?> <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>titleexample</title> <description>descriptionexample</description> <link>http://...link</link> <copyright>Copyright 20...</copyright> <docs>http://....docs</docs> <language>en-us</language> <lastBuildDate>Tue, 21 Oct 2019 03:19:24 -0800</lastBuildDate> <managingEditor>info@.....com</managingEditor> <pubDate>Tue, 21 Oct 2019 12:18:22 -0300</pubDate> <webMaster>webmaster@....com</webMaster> <generator>JCI</generator> <image> <url>http://www.....gif</url> <title>titleimage</title> <link>http://www....imagelink.htm</link> <description>descriptionimage</description> <width>480</width> <height>480</height> </image> <item> <title>titleitem</title> <description>descriptionitem</description> <link>http://www.linkitem</link> <comments>commentsitems</comments> <pubDate>Tue, 21 Oct 2019 07:38:46 -0800</pubDate> </item> </channel> </rss>
Notice: RSS is sensitive to special chars and chars used for RSS itself. Therefore consider to mask JSON-data in a CDATA-tag:
<![CDATA[ text.... ]]>
Name this JCI-Template e. g. “rss” and add this Shortcode to a page:
[[jsoncontentimporterpro nameoftemplate=rss]]
Publish this page and add “?show=oc” to the URL: This removes the WordPress-Template and gives pure RSS / XML.
This URL can be used with the SmartSlider 3 RSS-connector.