Get data from curated.co via its API
- Get your API-KEY and your PUBLICATION_KEY
- You need the PRO-Version of the JSON Content Importer-Plugin
- After installing the plugin in your WordPress, add this Shortcode to a page :
- replace PUBLICATION_KEY and YOUR_API_KEY with your Keys
- “curloptions=…” tells the plugin to send info to the API. The API evaluates this and checks if it is what is required. With a JCI-Template, you copypaste “Accept:…” to the curloptions-line.
[jsoncontentimporterpro url=https://api.curated.co/PUBLICATION_KEY/api/v1/issue method=curlget method=curlget curloptions='CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER=Accept:application/json##Authorization:Token token=YOUR_API_KEY##Content-type:application/json'] issues: {{issues|length}} {% for i in issues %} {{i.published_at}}: </code></code><a href="{{i.url}}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">title: {{i.title}}</a><code> {% endfor %} [/jsoncontentimporterpro]
curated.co gives you a list of “issues”. You can generate for each issue a “WordPress page” (aka “Custom Post Type” or “Custom Post Page”) – for that, you need:
- A JCI-template:
There is all information on connecting the API and what data is displayed on the generated pages.
Name: pattern-template
URL: https://api.curated.co/PUBLICATION_KEY/api/v1/issue method=curlget method=curlget
Accept:application/json##Authorization:Token token=YOUR_API_KEY##Content-type:application/json
summary: {{summary}} number: {{number}} title: {{title}} url: {{url}} published_at{{published_at | date("d.m.y, H:i")}}
- A new “Custom Page Type” (CPT):
At the JCI-Options, Tab “Custom Post Types” there is “JCI-own way: Create JCI-Custom Post Types”. With this, you can create a new CPT. You’re free to do this with many other Plugins.
Add the following at “JCI-own way: Create JCI-Custom Post Types”, save it, and reload the page. Then there should be a new menu entry, “curatedname” (change ptname if you like).
Important: WordPress’s “Permalink Settings” must be at “Post name” reloaded to register this new CPT. Check that at the general WordPress “Settings” > “Permalinks”
- A WordPress-Page called “generating-page”: This page is in the generating page with a special JCI-Shortcode. Every time it is called, existing pages are deleted and new pages are created.
- “loop” is the JSON path to the list of issues in the JSON: Other JSON, other value here!
[[jsoncontentimporterpro nameoftemplate=pattern-template mode=create createoptions='{"type":"curatedtype", "loop":"issues", "title":"Issue-number: {{number}}", "slugname": "slugname{{number}}", "deleteold":"yes"}']]
Preview the “generating-page”:
There should be “start looping” where the issues are used for generating pages.
The generated pages do have URLs like “…/curatedredirect/slug179/”: “curatedredirect” is the value of “ptredirect” (change as you like), “slug{{number}}” comes from the “createoptions”-JSON in the Shortcode of the generating-page. The same is with the title of the page: “Issue-number: {{number}}”
If the Click on a generated Page gives a “page not found”-error: The “Permalink Settings” of the WordPress must be at “Post name”. Check that at the general WordPress “Settings” > “Permalinks”