
Example URL: https://api.json-content-importer.com/extra/json/api.handball.ch/games.json

Put this into the template manager of the plugin:

{% for g in _context %}
{% if g.gameId %}
gameId: {{g.gameId}}, {{g.gameDateTime}}, {{g.gameDateTime | date("d.m.Y, H:i") }}: {{g.teamAName}}-{{g.teamBName}}<br><hr>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Try this shortcode (insert real name NAME_OF_TEMPLATE of the JCI template):

[jsoncontentimporterpro url=https://api.json-content-importer.com/extra/json/api.handball.ch/games.json debugmode=10 nameoftemplate=NAME_OF_TEMPLATE]

In action:

gameId: 333333, 2015-09-08T20:30:00, 08.09.2015, 20:30: TV Uster-HSC Kreuzlingen

gameId: 33366333, 2015-10-08T20:30:00, 08.10.2015, 20:30: FC Z.-TSV G.