PRO: Openweather Forecast – weather at a location

current time at : 18.09.2024, 14:34:30, timezone: Europe/Berlin
sunrise: 06:55:11
sunset: 19:20:28
temp: 19.81 Celcius, feels_like 19.57 Celsius
windspeed: 2.68
Deutscher Wetterdienst 02:00 – 18:00:
There is a risk of wind gusts (level 1 of 4). Max. gusts: ~ 50 km/h; Wind direction: east

See how this is done:


  • urlparam4twig: lat#lon#su
  • URL:
{% set lat = 48.1371079 %}{% if %}{% set lat = ( | e) %}{% endif %}
{% set lon =11.5753822 %}{% if urlparam.lon %}{% set lon = (urlparam.lon | e) %}{% endif %}{{lat}}&lon={{lon}}&appid=...
  • twig-template:
current time at {{|e}}: {{ (current.dt+timezone_offset) | date("d.m.Y, H:i:s")   }}, timezone: {{timezone}}<hr>
sunrise: {{ (current.sunrise+timezone_offset) | date("H:i:s")   }}<br>
sunset: {{ (current.sunset+timezone_offset) | date("H:i:s")   }}<br>
temp: {{current.temp-273.15}} Celcius, feels_like {{current.feels_like-273.15}} Celsius<br>
windspeed: {{current.wind_speed}}<br>
{% if (alerts|length)>0 %}
{{alerts.0.sender_name}} {{(a.start+timezone_offset)| date("H:i") }} - {{(alerts.0.end+timezone_offset) | date("H:i") }}: <br>{{alerts.0.description}}
{% endif %}