This page shows deatails for a MVG-Station in munich and the next departing vehicles:
curlGET failed, http-code: 404Create a new JCI-template:
- urlparam4twig: stationid#su
- URL:
{% set su = "de:09162:180" %} {% if urlparam.stationid %}{% set su = urlparam.stationid | trim | url_encode %} {% endif %}{{su}}?footway=4
<a href="/pro-mvg-api-munchner-verkehrsverbund-adresssuche/?su={{ | url_encode}}">back to adress-search {{ | e | stripslashes }}</a><hr> servingLines:<br> <ul> {% for item in servingLines %} <li> {{item.lineNumber}}: {{item.product}} to {{item.destination}} </li> {% endfor %} </ul> <hr> {% set hour = 3600 %} {% set currenttimestamp = ("now"|date("U")) %} current time: {{ (currenttimestamp+hour) |date("H:i:s") }} <hr> departures:<br> <table border=1> {% for i in departures | slice(0, 12) %} {% set deltasec = (i.departureTime/1000 - currenttimestamp) %} <tr><td> {% set mindist = (deltasec/60) |round(0, "floor") %} {% if mindist>60 %} {% set hrs = (deltasec/60/60) | round(0, "floor") %} {{hrs}} Hrs, {{mindist-60*hrs}} Min {% else %} {{mindist}} Min {% endif %} </td><td> {{(i.departureTime/1000+hour) | date("H:i") }} </td><td> {{i.label}} </td><td> {{i.destination}} </td><td> {{i.platform}} </td></tr> {% endfor %} </table>