PRO: Pagination Example

no of found dataitems: 87, show on 9 pages, each with 10 items
1 2 3 //this is page: 4 // 5 6 7 8 9

show 31 to 40
31: c16a5320fa475530d9583c34fd356ef5
32: 6364d3f0f495b6ab9dcf8d3b5c6e0b01
33: 182be0c5cdcd5072bb1864cdee4d3d6e
34: e369853df766fa44e1ed0ff613f563bd
35: 1c383cd30b7c298ab50293adfecb7b18
36: 19ca14e7ea6328a42e0eb13d585e4c22
37: a5bfc9e07964f8dddeb95fc584cd965d
38: a5771bce93e200c36f7cd9dfd0e5deaa
39: d67d8ab4f4c10bf22aa353e27879133c
40: d645920e395fedad7bbbed0eca3fe2e0

see more how this is done here: