PRO: Pagination Example

no of found dataitems: 87, show on 9 pages, each with 10 items
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 //this is page: 9 //

show 81 to 87
81: 43ec517d68b6edd3015b3edc9a11367b
82: 9778d5d219c5080b9a6a17bef029331c
83: fe9fc289c3ff0af142b6d3bead98a923
84: 68d30a9594728bc39aa24be94b319d21
85: 3ef815416f775098fe977004015c6193
86: 93db85ed909c13838ff95ccfa94cebd9
87: c7e1249ffc03eb9ded908c236bd1996d

see more how this is done here: