PRO: Quote of the day

This pages demonstrates how to get JSON with a “quote of the day”, show the quote and store it in a Custom Post Page.

  1. Data-Source:
    API: and
    Local stored JSON:
  2. Create a new JCI-Template:
  • Name of template: quote-of-the day
  • URL:
  • Curloptions (otherwise you get XML):
CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER=accept:application/json##content-type: application/json


{% set  nowtime = "now"| date("U")  %}
{% set dateofquote = | date("d.m.Y") %}
{% set dateofquotetime = | date("U") %}
{% set author = %}
{% set quote= (contents.quotes.0.quote | slice(0,10)) ~ '... (we use only the first 10 chars of the quote, see more at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>)' %}
{% set id = %}
{% set cont = '<center><strong>Quote of '~dateofquote~' by '~author~':</strong><br>'~quote~'</center>' %}

{% set cont = cont ~ '<hr><a href="/pro-quote-of-the-day/">see how this page was generated out of JSON</a>' %}


{% set slug = 'cptquoteoftheday' %}
{% set taxonomyslug = 'quoteofthedayauthors' %}

is there any stored-quote of the day {{dateofquote}}?<br>
{% set cpids = wp_get_cp_by_cpf_keyvalue(slug , "date", dateofquotetime , FALSE) %}

<!--{{cpids  | dump }}-->

{% if cpids %}
yes there is already one: nothing to do

{% set  rescpf = wp_insert_custom_field_keyvalue(cpids.0, 'latestupdate', nowtime, FALSE) %}

{% else %}
create a new cpt:<br>
{% set titel = dateofquote ~': '~author ~ '- ' ~ nowtime %}
{% set pageslug=  'name-'~author %}
{% set postStatusUsed= 'publish' %}
{% set newpageid = wp_new_custom_post(slug, titel, pageslug, cont, "", dateofquote, postStatusUsed, 1, FALSE) %} 
newpageid : {{newpageid }}<br>
{% set  rescpf = wp_insert_custom_field_keyvalue(newpageid , 'date', dateofquotetime, FALSE) %}
{% set  rescpf = wp_insert_custom_field_keyvalue(newpageid , 'author', author, FALSE) %}
{% set  rescpf = wp_insert_custom_field_keyvalue(newpageid , 'quote', quote, FALSE) %}
{% set tax = wp_insert_taxonomy(newpageid, taxonomyslug, author, FALSE) %}
{% endif %}

3. Set up a Custom Post Type with custom Post Fields
You might use a Plugin like “Custom Post Type UI” for a new Custom Post Type with slug “cptexample”.
And ACF for Custom Post Fields to set CPFs with the slugs “quote”, “date” and “author”.
The slugs for the CPT and the CPFs are used in the twig-template!

4. In Action:

Quote of 30.01.2022 by Paul Brown:
When you w… (we use only the first 10 chars of the quote, see more at

see how this page was generated out of JSON
is there any stored-quote of the day 30.01.2022?
yes there is already one: nothing to do