La komponist Catherine Lamb ta deg med mellom tonene, og utforsk den spennende musikalske verdenen bak termen u2018Rational Intonationu2019 gjennom denne samtalen. De fleste av oss kjenner musikk som notene pu00e5 for eksempel et piano. Men mellom tangentene finnes det en verden av lyd og toner, som vi kan lytte til hvis vi finner den rette mu00e5ten. u00b4Rational Intonationu2019 er tett knyttet opp mot matematikk og fysikk, og er en metode som skaper nye verktu00f8y for u00e5 lage musikk og komponere. Denne metoden u00e5pner opp for helt nye muligheter innen musikkskaping. I sofaen med Catherine sitter ogsu00e5 den eksperimentelle trombone-duoen RAGE Thormbones, og online fra Berlin, multi-instrumentalisten og komponisten Khyam Allami, hvis forskning utforsker overlappingen mellom stemmeteorier og kolonialisme. Musikkteori, samfunnsfag og nerding u2013 alt i ett!
“,”id”:172301,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:”Join composer Catherine Lamb to get between the notes, and explore the exciting musical world of Rational Intonation. Whilst many of us know music as the notes on the piano keyboard, there is a whole world of sound that exists, if we just find another way to hear it. Drawing on maths and physics, Rational Intonation, is a method of creating new tools for music making and composing, opening up new possibilities for sound creation. Catherine is joined on stage by experimental trombone duo, RAGE Thrombones, and online from Berlin, Iraqi-British multi-instrumentalist and composer Khyam Allami, whose research explores the intersection of tuning theory with colonialism. Music theory and social sciences u2013 all in one!
“,”id”:172305,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:”Samtalen holdes pu00e5 engelsk. Samtalen stru00f8mmes ogsu00e5 live pu00e5
Catherine Lamb
RAGE Thormbones: Mattie Barbier & Weston Olencki
Khyam Allami
Gu00e5 ogsu00e5 pu00e5:
u00c5pningskveld Borealis 2022 (verk av Catherine Lamb fremfu00f8res)
Mikrotonal sangworkshop med Catherine Lamb: Singing by numbers
Catherine Lamb u2013 inter-spatia (verdenspremiere)
“,”id”:172309,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:”The conversation will be in English. The conversation will also be streamed live on
Catherine Lamb
RAGE Thormbones: Mattie Barbier & Weston Olencki
Khyam Allami
Also catch:
Opening Night Borealis 2022 (piece for string quartet by Catherine Lamb)
Microtonal singing workshop with Catherine Lamb: Singing by numbers
Catherine Lamb u2013 inter-spatia (World Premiere)
“,”id”:172313,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:”Presentert i samarbeid med Bergen Offentlige Bibliotek”,”id”:192474,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:”Presented in collaboration with Bergen Public Library”,”id”:192484,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:”Borealis Samtale er stu00f8tte av Fritt OrdnBestillingsverk stu00f8ttet av Kulturru00e5det. Prosjektet er stu00f8ttet av Goethe-Institut og deres International Coproduction Fund. Produsert i samarbeid med MaerzMusik – Festival for Time Issues”,”id”:192494,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:”Borealis Samtale is supported by Fritt Ord.nCommission supported by Arts Council Norway. Project supported by Goethe-Institut and the International Coproduction Fund. Co-produced in collaboration with MaerzMusik – Festival for Time Issues”,”id”:192504,”show_time_id”:null},{“id”:171082,”show_time_id”:null,”value”:””},{“value”:null,”id”:490265,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:null,”id”:503135,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:null,”id”:503135,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:null,”id”:503205,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:null,”id”:503205,”show_time_id”:null}],”show_times”:[{“id”:823,”start”:”2022-03-17 13:00:00″,”end”:”2022-03-17 14:30:00″,”title”:null}],”festival_resources”:[],”rooms”:[{“id”:231,”name”:”Bergen Offentlige Bibliotek u2013 Storsalen”,”start”:”2022-03-17 13:00:00″,”end”:”2022-03-17 14:30:00″}],”performances”:[{“id”:257,”name”:”Catherine Lamb”},{“id”:403,”name”:”Khyam Allami”},{“id”:260,”name”:”RAGE Thormbones”}],”venue”:{“id”:113,”name”:”Bergen Offentlige Bibliotek u2013 Musikkrommet”,”address”:”Stru00f8mgaten 6″,”city”:”Bergen”,”phone”:null,”website”:null,”postal_code”:”5015″,”country”:null}}