Green Bank Pastoral

{“id”:27485,”name”:”Green Bank Pastoral”,”start_date”:”2022-03-20″,”end_date”:”2022-03-20″,”production_period”:{“start”:”2022-03-20 12:00:00″,”end”:”2022-03-20 16:00:00″},”fields”:[{“value”:”Resonating Nordnes: Green Bank Pastoral (film)”,”id”:171071,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:”Resonating Nordnes: Green Bank Pastoral (film)”,”id”:171072,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:””,”id”:171062,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:null,”id”:503205,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:null,”id”:503135,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:”100,u2013/50,u2013″,”id”:204548,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:”NOK 100/50″,”id”:204566,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:null,”id”:171066,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:null,”id”:171065,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:”

Ta en pause fra utforskingen av Nordnes gjennom lyd og radio, og oppdag en liten by i USA hvor alle elektromagnetiske signaler har vu00e6rt bannlyst siden 1950-tallet. Green Bank som ligger i fjelllsystemet Appalachene su00f8r i USA, kuttet alt av radio, telefon og wifi-signaler for u00e5 beskytte verdens stu00f8rste radioteleskop fra forstyrrelser. Som et resultat har byen blitt en magnet for mennesker som mener de lider av elektromagnetisk hypersensitivitet, eller el-allergi, som det ogsu00e5 kalles. I Green Bank finner de pusterom fra den moderne verden og dens stru00e5ling. Denne prisvinnende dokumentaren fra den colombianske regissu00f8ren Federico Urdaneta, med musikk fra en av u00e5rets Borealis-artister Mattie Barbier, er en fortelling om det merkverdige forholdet mellom menneskene i Green Bank, og det massive radioteleskopets innvirkning pu00e5 deres liv.


As we explore Nordnes through sound and radio, take a pause and discover a small town in America where all wireless signals have been banned since the 1950s. The town of Green Bank in the Appalachian mountain range in the American south cut off all radio, mobile and wifi signals to protect the worlds largest radio telescope from interference. As a results it has attracted a number of people that claim to suffer from Electro Hypersensitivity seeking respite from the modern world. Some residents have already moved more than thirty times before settling at Green Bank, with the hope that this radiation-free spot will be a sanctuary where they can finally find peace. This award winning documentary from Colombian director Federico Urdaneta, and featuring music from Borealis artist Mattie Barbier, is the story of the peculiar relationship between these people, the small town folk, and the massive radio telescope in the middle of it all, aimed at the sky above. 


Dette arrangementet er en del av Resonating Nordnes.

En film av Federico Urdaneta 

Varighet 54 min


This event is part of Resonating Nordnes.

A film by Federico Urdaneta 

Duration 54 min

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