Lyd som beveger seg over kontinenter og tidssoner, gjennom ulike musikalske perspektiver og ideer, transplantert fra et sted til et annet, som til slutt krystalliseres i en heldags-konsert i Bergen som samler noen av de mest oppfinnsomme musikerne og komponistene fra Norge og Su00f8ru00f8st-Asia.
Dette dru00f8mmesamarbeidet som var pu00e5tenkt lenge fu00f8r pandemien kom og endret vu00e5r bevegelighet mellom land og kontinenter, samler Ensemble neoN, mester i lydmanipulasjon Lasse Marhaug, og det distinkte lydbilde til impro-ensemblet Far East Network (FEN), under samme tak. Yan Jun, Otomo Yoshihide, Yuen Chee Wai og Ryu Hankil er fire musikere fra Bejiing, Tokyo, Singapore og Seoul, alle med et unikt lydlig fingeravtrykk, som sammen startet det pan-asiatiske ensemblet FEN for u00e5 omfavne lokale og individuelle lyder i en ny kollektiv struktur.
I mu00e5nedene som fu00f8lger opp mot festivalen skal neoN, Marhaug og FEN utveksle lyder, ideer og prosesser for u00e5 skape nye sett med musikalske strukturer og materiale som skal innta Slettebakken kirke under festivalen. Kirkens dramatiske og betongpregede arkitektur er inspirert av den ikoniske japanske arkitekten Kenzo Tange som tegnet St. Maryu2019s Catherdral i Tokyo.
Hu00f8r sammensmeltningen av ulike musikalske verdener u2013 fra Norge til Asia u2013 fylle det modernistiske kirkerommet i Slettebakken kirke under Borealis 2022.
“,”id”:172301,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:”Sound travelling across continents and timezones, through different musical perspectives and ideas, transplanted from one place to another and finally crystallising in an allu2013day sound performance bringing together in Bergen some of the most inventive musicians and composers from Norway and East Asia.
For this new collaboration, dreamed up before the global pandemic and shaped by our new international realities, Ensemble neoN will join forces with master sound manipulator Lasse Marhaug to meet the distinctive sound world of improvising ensemble FEN (Far East Network). Yan Jun, Otomo Yoshihide, Yuen Chee Wai and Ryu Hankil are four musicians from Beijing, Tokyo, Singapore and Seoul, each with a unique sonic fingerprint, who come together in this pan-Asian ensemble to embrace local and individual sounds in a new collective structure.
Together, in the months preceding the festival, neoN, Marhaug and FEN will be exchanging sounds, ideas and processes to create a new set of musical structures and material to occupy the Slettebakken Church in Bergen, whose dramatic architecture in concrete was inspired by the iconic Kenzo Tange who designed St Maryu2019s Cathedral in Tokyo.
Drawing on diverse musical worlds and channelling various performance practices, the work will haunt the modernist architecture of the church, channeling various presences and absences, through new collaborative composing.
“,”id”:172305,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:”Denne konserten stru00f8mmes ogsu00e5 live pu00e5
Ensemble neoN
Yumi Murakami u2013 flu00f8yter
Ida Zimmerman Olsen u2013 saksofoner
Karin Hellqvist u2013 fiolin
Inga Grytu00e5s Byrkjeland u2013 cello
Silje Aker Johnsen u2013 sopran
Ane Marthe Su00f8rlien Holen u2013 slagverk
Jan Martin Smu00f8rdal u2013 gitar
Heloisa Amaral u2013 tangenter
Christian Obermayer u2013 lydteknikk
FEN (Far East Network)
Otomo Yoshihide u2013 gitar
Ryu Hankil u2013 Max/MSP
Yan Jun u2013 elektronikk
Yuen Chee Wai u2013 gitar & elektronikk
Lasse Marhaug u2013 elektronikk
This concert will also be live streamed on
Ensemble neoN
Yumi Murakami u2013 flutes
Ida Zimmerman Olsen u2013 saxophone
Karin Hellqvist u2013 violin
Inga Grytu00e5s Byrkjeland u2013 cello
Silje Aker Johnsen u2013 soprano
Ane Marthe Su00f8rlien Holen u2013 percussion
Jan Martin Smu00f8rdal u2013 guitar
Heloisa Amaral u2013 keys
Christian Obermayer u2013 sound tech
FEN (Far East Network)
Otomo Yoshihide u2013 guitar
Ryu Hankil u2013 Max/MSP
Yan Jun u2013 electronics
Yuen Chee Wai u2013 guitar & electronics
Lasse Marhaug u2013 electronics
“,”id”:172313,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:null,”id”:192474,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:null,”id”:192484,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:”Bestillingsverk stu00f8ttet av Kulturru00e5det. Prosjektet har mottatt stu00f8tte fra Sasakawa Foundation”,”id”:192494,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:”Commission supported by Arts Council Norway. Project supported by Sasakawa Foundation”,”id”:192504,”show_time_id”:null},{“id”:171082,”show_time_id”:null,”value”:””}],”show_times”:[{“id”:831,”start”:”2022-03-19 15:00:00″,”end”:”2022-03-19 18:00:00″,”title”:null}],”festival_resources”:[],”rooms”:[{“id”:424,”name”:”Kirkerommet”,”start”:”2022-03-19 15:00:00″,”end”:”2022-03-19 18:00:00″},{“id”:284,”name”:”Festival restaurant”,”start”:”2022-03-19 15:00:00″,”end”:”2022-03-19 18:00:00″},{“id”:439,”name”:”Menighetssalen”,”start”:”2022-03-19 15:00:00″,”end”:”2022-03-19 18:00:00″},{“id”:457,”name”:”Vu00e5penhuset”,”start”:”2022-03-19 15:00:00″,”end”:”2022-03-19 18:00:00″}],”performances”:[{“id”:278,”name”:”Ensemble neoN”},{“id”:279,”name”:”FEN (Far East Network)”},{“id”:317,”name”:”Fractured times – Ensemble neoN/FEN/Lasse Marhaug”},{“id”:280,”name”:”Lasse Marhaug”}],”venue”:{“id”:223,”name”:”Slettebakken kirke”,”address”:”Vilhelm Bjerknes’ vei 31″,”city”:null,”phone”:”+47 408 56 511″,”website”:””,”postal_code”:”5081″,”country”:null}}