Samtale: Roscoe Mitchell

{“id”:13808,”name”:”Samtale: Roscoe Mitchell”,”start_date”:”2022-03-18″,”end_date”:”2022-03-18″,”production_period”:{“start”:”2022-03-18 13:00:00″,”end”:”2022-03-18 14:30:00″},”fields”:[{“value”:”1″,”id”:490265,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:”1″,”id”:490265,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:null,”id”:503135,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:null,”id”:503135,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:null,”id”:503205,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:null,”id”:503205,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:”Borealis Samtale: Roscoe Mitchell i samtale med John McCowen”,”id”:171071,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:”Borealis Samtale: Roscoe Mitchell in Conversation with John McCowen”,”id”:171072,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:””,”id”:171062,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:”gratis”,”id”:204548,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:”free of charge”,”id”:204566,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:null,”id”:171066,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:null,”id”:171065,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:”

Hu00f8r den legendariske amerikanske komponisten og impro-helten Roscoe Mitchell i samtale om eget liv og virke. Som en av de opprinnelige medlemmene av Art Ensemble of Chicago, the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians (AACM), og the Trio Space, har Mitchell en helt unik og historisk posisjon innen det eksperimentell musikkfeltet. Han er en kunstner som motstu00e5r enkel kategorisering. Omtalt som en regelbrytende eksperimentell multi-instrumentalist innen jazzverdenen, og med en stilling som komposisjonsprofessor ved Mills College, unngu00e5r hans arbeid fortsatt u00e5 bli lu00e5st til u00e9n bu00e5s, mye takket vu00e6re hans sammensmeltning av teknikker innen komposisjon og improvisasjon. I en alder av 81 u00e5r er han fortsatt like virtuos, grensesprengende, progressiv, og hans kunstnerskap fortsetter u00e5 utvikle seg gjennom utforsking av lydlige rom, ulike utu00f8verpraksiser og nye teknologier. 


Join legendary American composer and improviser Roscoe Mitchell in conversation with long time collaborator John McCowen about his life and work. As a founding member of the Art Ensemble of Chicago, the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians (AACM), and the Trio Space, Mitchell holds a key position in the history of experimental music. Heu2019s an artist who defies easy categorisation, whether known as the rule breaking experimental jazz multi-instrumentalist or Mills College composition professor, his work avoids being pigeonholed through his hybrid approach to composition and improvisation u2013 whether thatu2019s through improvisation as live composition, or scored pieces incorporating structured improvisation. Virtuosic, boundary pushing and progressive, his life in music and art continues to evolve exploring new sonic spaces, performance practices, and technologies.


Samtalen holdes pu00e5 engelsk. Samtalen stru00f8mmes ogsu00e5 live pu00e5

Roscoe Mitchell

John McCowen

Gu00e5 ogsu00e5 pu00e5:
u00c5pningskveld Borealis 2022 (verk av Roscoe Mitchell for strykekvartett)
Sju00f8forsvarets musikkorps (verk av Roscoe Mitchell for orkester)
Avslutningskonsert Borealis 2022 (solo + duokonsert med Roscoe Mitchell & John McCowen)
File Under Freedom u2013 en omfattende gruppeutstilling pu00e5 Bergen Kunsthall som kretser omkring temaet improvisasjon i kunst og musikk, med verk av blant annet Roscoe Mitchell og Marshall Trammell


The conversation will be in English. The conversation will also be streamed live on

Roscoe Mitchell

John McCowen

Also catch:
Opening Night Borealis 2022 (work by Roscoe Mitchell for String Quartet)
Norwegian Naval Forces Band (work by Roscoe Mitchell for orchestra)
Closing Concert Borealis 2022 (solo + duo concert with Roscoe Mitchell and John McCowen)
File Under Freedom u2013 an extensive group show in Bergen Kunsthall revolving around themes of improvisation in art with works by Roscoe Mitchell and Marshall Trammell amongst others

“,”id”:172313,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:”Presentert i samarbeid med Bergen Kunsthall”,”id”:192474,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:”Presented in collaboration with Bergen Kunsthall”,”id”:192484,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:”Borealis Samtale er stu00f8tte av Fritt Ord”,”id”:192494,”show_time_id”:null},{“value”:”Borealis Samtale is supported by Fritt Ord Foundation”,”id”:192504,”show_time_id”:null},{“id”:171082,”show_time_id”:null,”value”:””}],”show_times”:[{“id”:824,”start”:”2022-03-18 13:00:00″,”end”:”2022-03-18 14:30:00″,”title”:null}],”festival_resources”:[],”rooms”:[],”performances”:[{“id”:457,”name”:”Roscoe Mitchell & John McCowen”}],”venue”:{“id”:129,”name”:”Bergen Kunsthall”,”address”:”Rasmus Meyers allu00e9 5″,”city”:”Bergen”,”phone”:null,”website”:””,”postal_code”:”5015″,”country”:”Norge”}}