titelDrupal Coworking Day
contentDrupal Coworking Day
- (no title)
- amchart: line
- API-Examples
- API: Details verkehr.autobahn.de/o/…
- API: Overview verkehr.autobahn.de/o/…
- ContactForm7 with dynamic default Values
- created-xml-adsbexchange
- Formatting of date
- Free: Basic subloop-array syntax
- Free: Basic Syntax
- Free: Examples
- Free: Gutenberg-Block
- Free: ifNotEmptyAddLeftRight and format date & time
- Free: List JSON-Array by JCILISTITEM
- Free: wordpress.org API
- Generate Custom Post Types out of JSON
- generate-meetup-blueprint
- get-faceted-results
- JCI Free 2.0: WDR Zeitzeichen – RSS-XML-Feed
- JCI-Plugins and other Plugins
- jsonproxy
- List all data and offer link to more details
- Numbers and Strings in free and PRO plugin
- Opendata der Landeshauptstadt München
- Opendata WC-Map München
- playerdetail
- PRO & Free, AARA-Plugin: Show data from monitoringapi.solaredge.com…
- PRO, twig: Concat JSON-List to String
- PRO, twig: Replace \r\n in JSON to HTML-Linefeeds
- PRO: Advanced using of twig with the JCI-Plugin
- PRO: API Postcodegenie
- PRO: API Zippopotamus, Shortcode-Parameter httpstatuscodemustbe200
- PRO: ChatGPT & DNS for SPF-Test
- PRO: Create Custom Post Types / Pages
- PRO: Examples
- PRO: Get data – Access to JSON
- PRO: Intermediate using of twig with the JCI-Plugin
- PRO: JCI and TablePress
- PRO: JCI-Template urlparam4twig
- PRO: JSON meets JCI and jQuery for a facet-search
- PRO: JSON, XML, CSV… created with JCI
- PRO: MVG-API (Münchner Verkehrsverbund) – Adresssuche
- PRO: MVG-API Stationdetails
- PRO: Online-Applications made with JCI
- PRO: Openweather Forecast – search location, show weather
- PRO: Openweather Forecast – weather at a location
- PRO: Pagination Example
- PRO: param1 and param2 in the Shortcode
- PRO: Programming of Wordpress with twig & JCI
- PRO: Simple Faceted Form in Action
- PRO: Special PRO-Examples
- PRO: Special Shortcode-Settings
- PRO: twig-programming Examples
- PRO: Use of _context in twig-templates
- twig-matches: Check values by a regular expression
- twig: Pick items out of a array-list
- JSON from API blockchain.info 4 chart
- PRO: API api.blockchain.info
- PRO & Free: API api.coindesk.com
- PRO: Simple twig loop
- API: api.servicemonster.net
- PRO: API bikereg.com
- Free & PRO for bitvalor.com API
- API: blockchain.info
- PRO: API curated.co, Access to JSON (sending Token) and generate CPT
- API: data.fcc.gov
- PRO: API football-api.com
- PRO: API https://house.utah.gov
- PRO: API i8at.com
- Free: Apple / Itunes-API
- PRO: xml/kml-Feed creating – API adsbexchange – Flight Tracking
- API: lions.at
- PRO: twig-Loop with key and value
- API: Menu 1st item
- PRO: oAuth2-Demo by using Shortcode in twig-code
- API: results.elections.virginia.gov
- API: sheetsu.com
- Free: API Wikipedia.org
- API: www.uwosh.edu
- api.handball.ch
- api.snooker.org: Nested Shortcodes
- blockchain.info select value
- PRO: Use Custom Post Fields for putting together a API-URL
- PRO: Display JSON as a Chart – Waterlevels
- PRO: Display JSON as a Chart -amCharts-Plugin
- curloptions, urladdparam & twig / API: planyo.com
- PRO: Display & Search JSON and pass it to a Contact Form
- “WordPress File Upload”-Plugin FileUpload
- Free Plugin with API min-api.cryptocompare.com
- Free Plugin: API www.collectienederland.nl
- Free Plugin: api.coingecko.com
- Free Plugin: api.wordpress.org/events with Gutenberg-Block
- Free Plugin: avdx
- Free: API www.karmasoftonline.com
- Free: Example basenode
- Free: API futurelearn.com
- get-faceted-results
- PRO: Show passed Job in Contact Form
- PRO: Show Data and pass it to Contact Form
- In Action: Set Page-Titel and Head-Tags out of JSON-data
- PRO: Search multiple Websites – Call several APIs to collect results
- PRO: JSON & Slider – How to do it with the jQuery Lightslider-Lib
- JSON waterservices.usgs.gov
- JSON: amchart-input
- NYT newswire
- PRO: oAuth Example
- PRO: oAuth Example – getToken
- Page creating curated.co Custom Posts
- PRO plugin: api.coingecko.com
- PRO: API www.karmasoftonline.com
- PRO: Calc with data from 2 JSON-URLs by merging the JSON-feeds
- PRO: Convert adress to latitude and longitude
- PRO: Create JSON out of JSON for an amCharts-Plot
- PRO: Create Maps with Markers
- PRO: Display JSON with amchart
- PRO: Advanced Faceted Search in Action
- PRO: Advanced Faceted Search with JSON and JCI
- PRO: Simple Faceted Search with JSON and JCI
- PRO: Generate Custom Post, Custom Post Fields with Twig and JSON and use it with Elementor
- PRO: Generate Custom Post, Custom Post Fields, Taxonomies with Twig and JSON
- PRO: Pagination by twig – 1 feed, many pages
- PRO: Pagination by twig – several feeds, many pages
- PRO: Quote of the day
- PRO: Upload Image from JSON-data to WP-Media with twig-function “mediastore”
- Search JCI-Websites
- PRO: Send Form-Data to API
- PRO: Set Page-Title and Head-Tags by JSON and CPF
- PRO: Slider & API – Smartslider & JCI
- trip-details
- twig Date and time: Format, set Timezone and Language – twig-Attribute syntax
- twig: calculate and sort JSON-data
- twig: Handle dash in JSON
- twig: Simple format date and time
- PRO: Update CPT with new JSON-data
- PASSWORD-Protected-Page: Upload Text & Images, then send it to an API
- PRO: Upload and send Data to API
- Free: API www.veterans.gc.ca
- www.opengov-muenchen.de: locations counting bicyle-traffic